Friday, December 28, 2007

RANT. CAUTION: Do NOT Read If Easily Offended.

Ok. Probably not the best note to return on, but I'm being Real.

Today I am extremely pissy.
Yes, I said it. Pissy.
As in Agitated, Irritated, Annoyed, Frustrated, and generally Pissed Off.

Why?  Because I am Tired.  Both in the Physical-Didn't-Get-Enough-Sleep-Last-Night sense and the How-Much-Can-I-Really-Take sense.

I am SO Tired of Christian rhetoric. Language that doesn't mean ANYTHING in the real world.
I am Tired of the Judgement, the Disappointment, the Deep Lack of Compassion and Understanding that I have experienced both from individual Christians and the Church.
I am Tired of the Hypocrisy. (Not "Nobody's perfect" Stuff- but DEEP Hypocrisy that contradicts Jesus' Message at the CORE.)
I am Tired of Debates and Discussions with People who are already Decided, completely shut off, NOT listening, and unable to discuss any ideas that differ from their own because they are scared shitless.


All I want is Respect.  
Respect for my Experience of God and of Life. 
Respect for my thoughts and feelings.  
Respect for my Choice to not be involved in the Christian Church because I find it harmful to my Relationship with God and to my Relationship with Myself as a Woman.

I have Complete Respect for those who find their Way to God within the Christian Church.
I think that their Faith is Beautiful and Good.

All I want is the Same Returned.