Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thoughts Today.

If generosity is not extended to everyone, it is not true generosity.
If compassion is not extended to everyone, it is not true compassion.

In no way do i claim to embody the highest understanding of generosity or compassion.
but i think this is what we are here for.   

What is Love if not a spirit of generosity and a deep compassion towards all creatures?
What are we doing here if it is not learning how to Love?

this idea that life is a burden to bear, something to endure, until we die and finally can be happy and have peace is missing it completely.   
We are in the joyous bliss of creation, it's glory permeating everything around us, seeping into every cell.  
We are partaking in the wondrous dance of the cosmos, universe beyond universe beyond our understanding. 
We are God expressing and experiencing, Himself.
(Herself, Itself--that doesn't matter either.)

We have the sacred opportunity to learn how to Love each other, and in doing so, God.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

This Time, Last Year.

What a gorgeous day it has been.
Woke up with some yoga and qigong stretches and fed my body a delicious home-made smoothie. Did some light organizational stuff around the house and then went for a barefoot walk in the LIFE-GIVING, INCREDIBLE sunshine that graced us with its presence today.
Ate lunch at this funky little falafel shack with my Love and then walked around Park St. for awhile, doing nothing in particular.
Beautiful, just beautiful.

I was thinking about the time of year we find ourselves in, as winter is giving way to spring; death in to life. And with Good Friday yesterday (also the Full Moon and Spring Equinox) and Easter tomorrow, I thought it might be nice to repost my entry from last year.

here goes.

"Thinking about Easter, and it's deeper symbolic meanings...From darkness into Light, from death into Life. A rebirth of sorts. At least for those of us living, here, now. Thinking about the ways in which i want to live my life and the way i want to love. Choosing not to despair, not because there is no sorrow, but because this Life is precious and beautiful and sacred.
Saturday, the day inbetween, is always the darkest. Like those last few hours before morning.
But the light always comes, Life always comes. I am seeing this acted out in nature all around me, the snow is melting, the buds on the trees have begun to open. When i open my eyes in the morning, the birds are outside singing songs of the Spring to come.
We are never in darkness forever.

I thank God this day for all of Creation, for every living thing, for each person i encounter, know, love. And those whom i haven't met, and might not ever. Living at the hostel, i meet people from all walks of Life, every background imaginable, every path taken unique. And it is BEAUTIFUL. breaktakingly so. We are a pathwork quilt of Humanity- all living together and connecting with each other, helping each other. I am continually amazed at how fragile people are- how delicate and tender we all are underneath, inside. It has deepened my respect for people and their experiences. We can learn from everyone we interact with, if we see them through eyes of humility. if we allow them to teach us.

And today especially, i think about God's mercy and lovingkindness. And i think that God, outside of all our constructed boxes, is Eternal and perfect Compassion.
And that we have no idea what that really means.

I condemn no one. I have no place.
Rather, i try to greet every human being as the exquisite creation that they are. And see where God's scuplting fingers left imprints in the clay.

This inbetween Saturday,
May you be Blessed
to know sorrow,
so that when the Joy comes
you will recognize it
and leap into it's arms.

May you be Blessed
to know darkness,
so that when the dawn
peeks it's head over
the last few remaining stars,
you will dance
with anticipation
and utter abandonment
into the Light of morning.

May you be Blessed
to know winter,
it harsh cold
and heavy silence,
it's frost on your heart-
so that,
when the buds of new growth
you will not complain
of the pain of transformation,
but instead sing out
with newfound Joy and gratitude-
as all the frost melts away
and you find yourself
to be more
than ever before.

On this Saturday inBetween,
May you be Blessed."

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Moved to Tears.

Barack Obama's speech in Philadelphia.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gratitude and Inspiration.

i can hear it humming
something good is on its way
i feel a pulse in my chest
my heart pumping out the rhythms
of something ancient
waking up
in me
and when the woman spoke tonight
of circles and centers
something in me smiled
in recognition
at the light burning in her eyes
the joy that emanated from her being
i know that light
it glows
like a candle's flame
like the embers
of a thousand ancient fires
still burning
in me

i can hear it singing
good things are on the way
voices raised united
dancing through darkness
into the dawn.

there is something unspeakably beautiful
about a woman who is fully herself, fully her own
speaking her truth.  

she is vibrant and alive, an embodiment of the Divine.
fully, breathtakingly, Woman.

The paper I am currently writing for my Women's Spirituality class is focused around the issue of anger.   Specifically, Women's anger at the oppression and atrocities that befall us simply because of our gender and how that anger plays out in our spirituality and lives. 

Clarissa Pinkola Estes wrote, 
"Even raw and messy emotions are a form of light, crackling, bursting with energy.  We can use the light of rage in a positive way, in order to see into places we cannot usually see.  ...All emotion, even rage, carries knowledge, insight, what some call enlightenment.  Our rage can, for a time, become our teacher...a thing not to be rid of so fast, but rather something to climb the mountain for, something to personify, learn from, deal with internally, then shape into something useful in the world as a result, or something we let go back down to dust.  In the wild life, rage is not a stand-alone item.  It is a substance waiting for our transformative efforts."

when we are able to do this, when we can transform our rage and anger into compassion,
the effect we will have in the world will be astounding.  
change will come and we will be a force of unimaginable strength.



Monday, March 17, 2008


family comes in many forms

from many places
i have known such love
shining in so many faces

how many brothers and sister have I
how many mothers and fathers
truly- blessed- am I
truly- blessed- am I

we dwell in separate houses
call upon different names
we worship at different altars
but the Source is the same

how many brothers and sisters have I
how many mothers and fathers
truly- blessed- am I
truly- blessed- am I


looks like my crazy family

is down one crazy daughter cuz
i'm shipwrecked in a desert that
once was underwater just
looking for a swift turn of phrase
some colors to fly
as i float by
in the parade

plus i dream in skin scented sentences
of a stronger faster fiercer you
and to each noun, verb and predicate
i dedicate a vivid hue
but you ain't done too well
getting past your permanent pastel
have you now?
yes, the desert seemed so promising
and then it paled somehow

so school is in session
get your chin off your desk
now pick up your pencil
and turn over your test
use your education
and take an educated guess
about me

plus i have this whole new family
and i'm in love with each of them
and i'm on this list called lucky
whenever i'm in reach of them
and i'm learning how to say
that i'd be happy either way
with your love

so school is in session
get your chin off your desk
now pick up your pencil
and turn over your test
use your education
and take an educated guess
about me

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

By the Way..

All credit for that photo is due Colt Bender, an amazing photographer and pretty cool guy.

Also, the title for the post is 1) my personal sentiments of that moment and 2) reference to a Nina Simone song.

Thank you and Good Night.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How I Feel.

Be still, be still.

When human love is limited and even wounding,

the Beloved comes near

and holds me.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

