Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gratitude and Inspiration.

i can hear it humming
something good is on its way
i feel a pulse in my chest
my heart pumping out the rhythms
of something ancient
waking up
in me
and when the woman spoke tonight
of circles and centers
something in me smiled
in recognition
at the light burning in her eyes
the joy that emanated from her being
i know that light
it glows
like a candle's flame
like the embers
of a thousand ancient fires
still burning
in me

i can hear it singing
good things are on the way
voices raised united
dancing through darkness
into the dawn.

there is something unspeakably beautiful
about a woman who is fully herself, fully her own
speaking her truth.  

she is vibrant and alive, an embodiment of the Divine.
fully, breathtakingly, Woman.

The paper I am currently writing for my Women's Spirituality class is focused around the issue of anger.   Specifically, Women's anger at the oppression and atrocities that befall us simply because of our gender and how that anger plays out in our spirituality and lives. 

Clarissa Pinkola Estes wrote, 
"Even raw and messy emotions are a form of light, crackling, bursting with energy.  We can use the light of rage in a positive way, in order to see into places we cannot usually see.  ...All emotion, even rage, carries knowledge, insight, what some call enlightenment.  Our rage can, for a time, become our teacher...a thing not to be rid of so fast, but rather something to climb the mountain for, something to personify, learn from, deal with internally, then shape into something useful in the world as a result, or something we let go back down to dust.  In the wild life, rage is not a stand-alone item.  It is a substance waiting for our transformative efforts."

when we are able to do this, when we can transform our rage and anger into compassion,
the effect we will have in the world will be astounding.  
change will come and we will be a force of unimaginable strength.

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