Wednesday, October 18, 2006


i love this place
the tierra
beneath my feet
that creeps under doors and into everything.

i love the sounds
the whistles, the laughter
the loud music with bass blaring
shaking the streets
and the windows in their panes
and all the shouting of the school kids
as they walk home in the
afternoon sun

i love the various stinks and smells
of this place
the burning trash
the aroma of comida tan sabrosa
being cooked by loving hands
their smells wafting out into the street
and making my mouth

i love the children
beautiful and brown
with laughing eyes
and sometimes scowls
their skin delicious shades of
and coffee.
i wish i could embrace them forever
dry all their tears
and make them laugh all day long.
sing them to sleep at night.

my family-
laughing and joking,
hitting and playing
praying together for providence
and mercy
for kindness and strength.
sitting up late nights and talking
about Life.
about everything.
imagine the best conversations of your life-
the most meaningful, the most touching,
all the time.

all the time.

i love this place.
and the people.
and the vividness of it all.
i feel like i am home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Home is where your heart is lovey!