Saturday, November 03, 2007

Holy Shite.

What a ridiculous few weeks it has been.
I say ridiculous only because i cannot believe how much has happened in such a relatively short time.
Have come to some hard truths in the last few weeks, some of them concerning relationships in my life. For those of you who know me well you know that i am a deeply relational person- and when things aren't well, i'm not well.

i have also come to some incredibly beautiful realizations, too. Life changing, perspective altering realizations.

Then there's Mexico...jaja. I am leaving tomorrow evening on a Greyhound bus. Wow.
I will be participating in a demonstration for human rights and the free movement of all people. I am scared, excited, unsure of what to expect, and really REALLY happy to be crossing into Mexico to see my family and be at the orphanage again. Even if it is for a shorter time than i had hoped.

If my financial situation had a sound effect it would be the sound of the old, dying cars on cartoons...."puttputtputtputt..putt...putt...putt, puaaahhhhhh..." You know that animated exhale? the rattle of death??


its ok. it has only served to squash lingering consumeristic tendencies and to reignite my drive and passion to create another way of life- sustainable and creative and beautiful.

with bee hives and lavender fields and community living.

and trees.

and a dog.

...think i'm crazy yet? jaja. It's okay. i'm gonna have to be at least a little crazy to fully realize my dreams.

i mean, i'm not dressing in animal skins and roaming the desert and eating locusts, right??

anyway- Paz y Amor a todos- I will be in communication as much as possible.
Love to All.


Dave said...

You are just crazy enough to do some good. Kudos to you.

aurora bender said...

goats. what about the goats?

aurora bender said...

occasionally in danish class, the bit of spanish that is still in my brain comes out. and then i am corrected by my kind danish teacher with the right word. i usually takes me a couple of seconds to realize what i did, and then it makes me laugh.

Trina Merry said...

Wait? Mexico? Well, if you're coming South at all, ya need to swing by and see me! Personally, I think Lavendar Fields could solve many of the world's problems.