Sunday, January 27, 2008

I Wonder as I Wander out Under the Stars...

How do i begin to explain all of these things to you?

People whom i love and care about, people whom i honor and respect?
How do i begin to let you in on this Incredible Journey i have been on?  That i am still on, learning and growing everyday?
Many of you think i have "fallen away"- or become "lost" or some other term from the Christian language used to explain why i do not walk through those front doors on Sunday mornings and sit dutifully for an hour or so, listening.

How can i explain that which is known by no one but my innermost being?
How do i give words to that which is Unnameable?

How do i share these, the most precious treasures of my heart, without inviting debate or argument?
How do show you that i don't mean to change anyone's mind, that i am merely asking for the space to be?

Thursday, January 24, 2008


i hold eternity

like a drop of water in my palm,
whole unto itself
i can hear it's fragile song-
it whispers sweetly
like the sound of the wind in the trees
all of Creation
suddenly seems to sing...

every Step, every Breath-
like a pebble on the Road,
every Road, every Path
leads us Home-

call Him by any name
or even call It, She
hail from any nation
under any creed,
how arrogant to reinvent
in our own image
it only serves to build walls
fuels hatred and division-

Krishna Buddha Jesu Cristo
Pachamama Maheo
Mi Diosito Yahweh Jah
Goddess Holy One

yeah, Babel has fallen and we're all callin'
out the same name
in different tongues...

in the same way that every ray
leads to the sun-
in the same way that every stream
flows towards the sea-
every Step, every Breath
like a pebble on the Road
every Road, every Path
will lead us Home,
leads us Home.

Women Who Run With the Wolves

"The creation Mother is always also the Death Mother and vice versa. Because of this dual nature, or double-tasking, the great work before us is to learn to understand what around and about us and what within us must live, and what must die. Our work is to apprehend the timing of both; to allow what must die to die, and what must live to live." (p.32)

"What must I give more death to today, in order to generate more life? What do I know should die, but am hesitant to allow to do so? What must die in me in order for me to love? What not-beauty do I fear? Of what use is the power of the not-beautiful to me today? What should die today? What should live? What life am I afraid to give birth to? If not now, when?" (p.159)

-Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New Job

Literacy is a gift, a privilege even, that I take for granted.

What is more powerful than being able to express yourself?

And yet, maybe even that is wrong thinking...What thought is more powerful to a person who cannot read- that they will be able to be self-sufficient, independent, and empowered??
Or that they will be able to "express themselves"?  

Maybe it's the same.  Either way, what an incredibly powerful thing- Literacy.  
What a gift.

I read something tonight that nearly broke my heart.  Due to confidentiality issues, I am unsure of how much I can and cannot share here.  What I will say is that it made my heart ache in a way that it hasn't for a long time.   

This work is one of the most important things I have ever done.  
And work is not work when it is DEEPLY meaningful and is changing peoples' lives.

I am so grateful to have this opportunity.  Wow.