Tuesday, March 07, 2006

one more

..."I recalled a story a woman had told me about her six year old daughter. The child, freshly home from Sunday school, was reporting to her mother what she had learned that day about God. Over and over she referred to God as "he." Her mother asked, "Why do you say 'he,' Ashley?"
"Because God is a man, Mommy."
"But why is God a man?"
Ashley thought a moment, "I guess because God thought that was the best thing to be."

There's somthing infinitely sad about little girls who grow up understanding (usually unconsciously) that if God is male, it's because male is the most valuable thing to be. This belief resonates in a thousand hidden ways in their lives. It slowly cripples girl children, and it cripples female adults."

On this blog i often refer to God as both "he" and "she" in order to demonstrate that God is both he, she, and neither. Also, i think to attempt to compensate for the centuries of denial of the sacred feminine. And yet to refer to God solely as "she" makes me uncomfortable still. which is very interesting to notice and think about. what is it in me that cannot fully allow for feminine divinity? what patriarchal voices am i carrying still?
But really, why not? God is often referred to in terms that are definitively male- and yet it is insisted that God is neuter and it is only a pronoun, the limits of language. so why not the other way around- why is that uncomfortable? why would many Christians i know squirm in their seats? very interesting.
these are really just intellectual musings, surface thoughts that are reflecting a much deeper pondering, reckoning, coming to self.
i can't yet fully talk about it...it has not taken the form of words yet.
one more quote, and then i'll go.

" Until women can visualize
the sacred female they cannot be whole
and society cannot be whole."

-Elinor Gadon


Anonymous said...

I find wholeness in Christ. He happened to be sent as a son instead of a daughter...not certain why...I would love her the same.
For me, wholeness is deep inside, it has no gender.

Raquel said...

i think balance and healing are necessary for wholeness. The female-male balance is off, in the political, the social, and most religion. Until this divide is healed and transcended, i think that true wholeness and oneness will be very hard to reach.