Sunday, September 17, 2006

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

What a relaxed, beautiful afternoon. Laid in bed- read, fell asleep, woke up, read some more, fell back asleep, woke up- went outside and played my guitar in the sanctuary of our backyard. It was so wonderful.

I missed out on a barbeque for a dear friend, which makes me sad, but just coming off a short illness- this was just the afternoon i needed.

hey everybody... i want to you all before i leave...ok?
Love to All-


Na said...

aww. you are so cute. i wish i had the freedom of reading and napping. dude. it all changed once you have kids. im just trying to always embrace it as "everyday sacred". i started it, and im really interested. i'm thinking like, " duuuuude". u know?

so i hope you have a wonderful time in new mexico or mexico..can't remember.. and will u have email access still?

oh, and sue bender makes me wanna take a pottery class. i did ceramics in high school so it's been some time.

glad you are better and having good restful days.

aurora bender said...

the birds were asleep again tonight.