Thursday, September 07, 2006

My Beloved

You Are the ground beneath my feet,
You Are the rain
You Are the sun that rises again in my heart.
You Are the ocean's tides, constant and moving-
You Are the arms around me,
You Are the trees and the tanbark and the old swing,
You Are laughter and tears,
You Are peace.

the most intimate of tenderness
You have spoken to me,
carried me in Your arms
and rocked me to sleep on an Amtrak train.

You lay my steps before me,
You lift my head,
i breathe You.
You Are.

and i know You intimately-
the way a woman knows her lover,
the way the birds find their way home and back again.
i know You in the quiet places in my heart,
and in my joy
and in my singing.
i know You in my pain
the searing sorrow that sometimes visits me.
even there, i know You.

the Mystery unravels me and holds me tenderly-
i rest my head in Her,
my heart and my body.

this world and this Life are sacred-
i can hear Her rhythm pulsating in every living thing.


Anonymous said...

my dear, how are you?

Raquel said...

wonderful, actually. better than i have been in a long time. God is so good to us, verdad? miss you though...

Na said...

this is good and special.

Raquel said...

hello miss danae. how are you amiga??

Na said...

read my latest post on my blog and it's pretty much like my life story. im pretty much the same.