Thursday, April 26, 2007


So, I've decided to start quoting Mouna, because she is brilliant and hysterical. Or maybe brilliantly hysterical. Hysterically brilliant? Anyway-
I'm not sure if her energy and tone will come across through the medium of blog, but imagine a wild-grey-haired woman who almost dances as she talks. She almost audibly hums with energy. It is so crazy. When she speaks, its as if every sentence was the most profound exciting statement.

The scene.
Outside my cabin, Mouna is watering a small herb garden. My neighbor, Lisa and I are listening as Mouna explains what is growing and the medicinal qualities of each herb.
As this is happening, Lisa discovers an ant colony which has made its home outside our cabins, on the edge of the garden.
This is the conversation that ensues...

Lisa: "Is it a good thing to have the ant colony so close to the herbs?"

Mouna, as she immediately begins dousing the small anthill with the hose, exclaims:
"Chile!! They don't like water and they don't like chile!"

Mouna continues, "And we don't want them so close to the garden. No.
That would go in the 'No, No, NO!' category!!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rach: that conversation was to funny,
give us more..........