Thursday, April 10, 2008

Events of Note

So, living alone.

Very fun, actually. it's funny the little conversations we have with ourselves, the ones we aren't even aware of most of the time.

First Event of Note: Creative Surge.
I have been super creative. I made this collage for my sister, something i have been meaning to do for a long time. And there is so much more inspiration and ideas just waiting to be birthed!

Second: Pampering- Without Apology!
So, last night I was up doing my thing, when i had the hankering for avocado and hummus with sharp cheddar on black bread toast. And a glass of wine. And dark chocolate. The funny little conversation went something like this-
'But I can't eat that- it's so late! And that's, Luxurious.'
'True, very true. But what's wrong with that??'
'Yeah, what's wrong with that? I'll do it!'

And so, i did. and it was delicious. and it made me feel good. i think we should be good to ourselves like that more and indulge a little in the simplicities that make us feel good.

Also, I've been playing this game with myself. The first time I took a shower at my new place I happened to look up at the shower head to see the acronym, RSA. I have no idea what that actually stands for, but the game I've been playing is this:

When I'm in the shower I think of possible definitions of the acronym and make little declarations in my head, such as-

"Rachell Stands Alone!"
"Rachell Secures Autonomy!"

for those of you who might be worried about me, i assure you, this isn't the lonely psychobabble of a woman gone mad,
but rather the inner dialogue of a woman who is enjoying her own company.


Anonymous said...

The first public key encryption scheme implementation was brought out in 1977 by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman, who invented the RSA encryption system. The security of RSA is based on the difficulty of factorising a large number which is the product of two prime numbers. Since then, many public key encryption systems have been proposed, the security of which is based on different calculative problems (this list is not exhaustive): "Knapsack" by Merckle-Hellman: more simply put Sun's UltraSPARC T2 Plus servers enable you to consolidate your datacenter into a smaller, more powerful, energy efficient and cost effective environment.

aurora bender said...

congratulations. i know precisely what you mean about the talking to yourself thing. since i basically live with only one other person, i am home alone a lot. um. i find myself cracking up. (should i be admitting these things online?) and oh, hummus and avocado is such a wonderful combo. where's the black bread from??? so many questions. AH! i feel a james brown dance party at your new place coming on!!!!!

Raquel said...

don't worry, i crack myself up all the time.
but i had that feeling too, like, should i write about this? do i sound like a crazy person?
but then i thought, no, everybody does it, we just don't talk about it, or aren't aware of it.
(see?? little conversations! all the time!!)
haha. and YES. there will DEFINITELY be dancing...and there will DEFINITELY be James Brown!

LO said...

Ah, you young ones. so much to learn. #1 speak to yourself in a foreign accent. much more interesting. (and not one you are proficient in) #2 get a cat, it justifies really long, more or less one way conversations. #3 not everyone does it. only those of us who have something to say and don't care if anyone else hears it.

aurora bender said...

oh, i do the accents. generally british and if i swear anywhere in there it goes to irish. and really i should be using it as a reason to practice my danish. i will be there soon to join in on the conversations even if it is just for the weekend.