Thursday, July 17, 2008


Holy Mother
Baba Yaga
She Who Hears the Cries of the World-
Skeleton Woman

You who know my heart
my body
my soul
You who give Life, give Death, and give Life again
I am cradled
in your voluptous flesh,
a child of
your Womb-

from there have I come,
and to there I will return.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Over and over.

and i know
my mind is made of matter
but i need to know
what is the matter
at it's core,
because my heart
is just a muscle-
and simply put,

it's sore.

I Want to Cry.

Big heaving sobs. The kind of cry that leaves you with an aching head, puffy red eyes, and a chest cavity that feels just a little bit lighter.

Life is such a beautiful teacher, but sometimes I just need an effing break. And to be perfectly honest, there are some lessons I don't want to learn, dammit. I don't. They're big and they're scary and I don't know if I can handle it.

Sometimes I feel so deeply conflicted and what I desire always seems to fall on two extreme sides of the same spectrum simultaneously. I am a walking duality, constantly.

And then there's the issue of asking of myself what I would ask of others. I want freedom, but I don't want to give it. I want to not be judged, and yet I judge. And the list goes on and on. No joke.

Days like today don't negate or invalidate those Magical ones, when everything is beautiful and I have understanding. In fact, I know those days couldn't exist without days like this one, and vice-versa.

But man, it's hard not to run away.

I have an overbearing and too-well-fed 'Fight or Flight' mechanism in me--and I feel like I don't even know what my other options are. I'm looking for them. I need them desperately...cause this is exhausting.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


are like that
full of twists and 
turning corners
surprises just waiting
around doorways,
delight hiding
in the cracks and crevices
of the wreckage of
how it was
'supposed to go'-

days like today
make me Believe.

in the goodness of people
in Providence
in synchronistic moments

days like today
help me to see-hear-taste-touch
the very fiber of existence
while it is
being woven
into a tapestry of Life,
whose beauty i can 
barely contain.