Wednesday, July 09, 2008


are like that
full of twists and 
turning corners
surprises just waiting
around doorways,
delight hiding
in the cracks and crevices
of the wreckage of
how it was
'supposed to go'-

days like today
make me Believe.

in the goodness of people
in Providence
in synchronistic moments

days like today
help me to see-hear-taste-touch
the very fiber of existence
while it is
being woven
into a tapestry of Life,
whose beauty i can 
barely contain.


aurora bender said...

tell me about your day.

Deb said...

I agree, Aurora. We need more information.

Anonymous said...

Some days truly are magical unexpected and hold many surprises.
They can’t be planed or expected or made to happen.
By doing so would kill the magic of the moment, and the surprise.
And we all like surprises. These special times are found in many ways
Most often with special friends, people you love, and those who love, and care about you.
I call them angels. No plastic people please. those moments warm your heart and soul,
To share and reflect upon forever. I have had many of these moments and they live inside you
To comfort you, and put a bright smile on your face. Like you were just kissed with a peace of sunshine
or a good risotto, and a great bottle of Vessa cellars private reserve, no what I mean, of course you do.
Your one of those angels
Just cru- sin