Sunday, August 28, 2005


Voices ringing out
pure and longing-
desperately calling for a touch
of our Abba's hand.
desperate for His presence...
Come, Lord Jesus, come.

and He does,
pouring out His precious presence
uplifting the weary
speaking to the broken hearted,
His mercies so tender,
so intimate.
Thank you, Abba.

another voice ringing out-
strong and true
coming from such humble places.
a willing vessel,
craving so deeply his Father's blessing,
for His voice to be heard,
above all the rest.

and i am overwhelmed...
overwhelmed by God's faithfulness,
His love for us,
how desperately He longs for us in return,
how joyfully He pursues us...

Abba, your heart
calls to me, lifts my head, blesses me beyond
anything I ever thought possible,
I cannot contain the vastness of your beauty-
my heart is bursting with it.

To be in your presence, Beloved,
is to be whole.
I love you.

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