Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Good Morning, and Good Luck.

The greatest thing you will ever learn, is just to love,
and be loved in return.

it seems to me that the greatest lessons are those that uplift your spirit to heights previously unreached while ripping your heart out of your chest simultaneously.
funny, all the dualities i have been encountering of late.
i want my love to transcend fear, i want it so badly.
i am becoming more and more aware of old ways of being that were completely unhealthy, and for that i am very thankful.
yet, it presents an inner struggle,
and i can hear my Beloved whisper, "Do you want to be healed?"

Do you want to be healed?
Do you want to be healed?

and sometimes, honestly, i want to scream, "NO!" and turn my face away and run as fast as i can- resist the lesson, resist Life, refuse my breaking open.
but i know where that ends up anyway- in a heap on the ground, many heartbreaks later, whispering regretfully, "Ok, ok."

So, Here I Am.
Fight or flight mechanisms whirring in my head, my heart racing, my feet itching for the road.

Embrace me, Beloved,
that i might embrace whatever lies ahead.

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