Thursday, December 28, 2006


People who talk about immigrants with such disdain make me sick to my stomach. There is a sense of entitlement and arrogance that is unbelievable. What ever gave us the notion that because we were born in the richest country in the world that we deserve or have more rights than any other human being??

Come back and talk to me when you have had the experience of not being able to feed your children.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Visiting Home.

pieces of my life
flit and float
drifting through my head
different shades
and colors
like the fall's left-over leaves
that have gathered together
in piles
to keep out the cold
and loneliness.

i wonder if they miss the tree.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

what is life for?

feeling a little conflicted tonight.
is seeking your own happiness a selfish endeavor?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


so as i was uploading those photos the program i was using decided to close. twice. i threw up my hands in frustration and walked away from the computer to avoid doing the violent damage to it that i was so tempted to do. ugh. anyway-
another try soon. :)

cooked dinner tonight! new and exciting things that i am learning. (grin)
Tommy's stepdad is an amazing cook and he has decided to take me under his wing while i am here. My dear friend Natalie is coming to visit us on Friday. i will be very happy to see her! it's been too long.

my time is coming to a close here in New Mexico. which makes me sad. really, really sad. but it is a bittersweet thing- i will be headed back to California soon to see famiy and friends. whom i miss very much.

can't wait to see the Mon Cafe crew as well! ....hopefully i have a job! haha.

oh. and Mom, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. i am sorry that i am not there to celebrate with you. i love you always.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Sunday, December 10, 2006

This Moment

i am sitting in a coffee shop
with a warm mug to my left,
there is a man improving on some jazz tune
at the piano in front of me.
the sun is shining in through the windows
in that beautiful autumn way that it does,
and it has just started to snow.

can life be any more beautiful than this?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Maheo, mi Diosito.

We just got back from Oklahoma last night. Some highlights...

First time in both Texas and Oklahoma.

While driving through Texas we saw an enormous monument on the side of the freeway. It was a a huge white cross, and at the base were statues of armed soldiers carrying their own crosses. YIKES. i mean, really. i couldn't believe it.

Eating Indian "fry-bread" for the first time. yum.

Listening to mixed CDs with James Brown, Otis Redding, Taj Mahal, and Bob Dylan.

The purpose of our trip was to honor and celebrate the life of my loved one's Uncle who passed away. I participated in a traditional Cheyenne meeting, which was more beautiful than i can begin to describe. Such a beautiful way of worshipping God. We prayed all night for the family, each other, and ourselves. It resonated with me more deeply than any church service has in a long time. So much healing happening.

I am so grateful for my time here and everything that i am learning.

I have two more weeks here and then i will be back in the bay area to see family and friends. Missing you all and sending you my deepest love-