Thursday, December 28, 2006


People who talk about immigrants with such disdain make me sick to my stomach. There is a sense of entitlement and arrogance that is unbelievable. What ever gave us the notion that because we were born in the richest country in the world that we deserve or have more rights than any other human being??

Come back and talk to me when you have had the experience of not being able to feed your children.


Anonymous said...

I think so often...
why was I born in Oakland, in California, in the U.S. to the parents I was, to live in the home I did...and not somewhere else?
I did not choose this privileged place, was it chosen for me?
I think not.

Anonymous said...

exactly. i think the world would be a much better place if people, particularly those in power, thought in terms of the world community and what is best for ALL. citizens of the planet, that sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

i, too, think about this often. mostly after hearing about life-threating poverty, or war-torn countries. why was i placed here in this country?

and one must also consider that, we, who for one reason or another, live in the richest country, and yet don't live any more sustainable and meaningful lives than the rest of the world. i hope that more people, myself included, would live lives full of beauty and with thought as to what is best for all.
not having conditional mercy and care.