Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Yum to the 'Enth Degree...

My friends are here!! Dave and Andy are visiting...i love them so much. it is the fault of our continuous shananigans that i have not been writing here. so wonderful.
crazy jam sessions until the wee hours of the morning, cooking for each other, good conversations, and laughing until i have tears streaming down my face.
it is such good timing, thank you God.

both the boys grew up in Papua New Guinea and their perspective is refreshing and affirming. Dave is teaching me "Pidgen"- the trade language in Guinea. i love it! i think i may have been born in the wrong country... haha. i feel at home with them.

in other news,
i am letting go of worries that i cling to. slowly and gently. it is a good thing. i feel like my soul is settling a bit, resting a bit more. I am so thankful that God cannot be contained by my silly anxieties.

balancing external and internal can be hard sometimes...maybe the are not the duality that they seem. hmmmm.

anybody have "hot-spots" that can't be missed while the boys are here?? they want to see more of the City....

MOMA tomorrow and then an incredible show at Slims.
good, good times.


aurora bender said...

I am glad to hear you are doing much better. I work tomorrow until 2, if you wanted to stop by for a visit...

Na said...

im glad you're having good times. you sound uppity.

good to get an update.