Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Words of Wisdom

Blessed are the cracked

for they will let in the light.


Anonymous said...

shanoncita said:
sometimes when i read blogs, i read comments beneath them. and sometimes i notice that ppl respond to blogs with their own words of advice and such. but it seems like perhaps, sometimes, ppl might just want to blog and let things be things and not have someone impart their opinion on it. what do u think? i'm just curious. comments are fine...just sometimes i wonder if ppl get away with themselves. but maybe, too, bloggers enjoy getting those comments. i was just thinking about that the past couple days in reading comments to some blogs. sometimes the blogs i leave make no sense, but i just want the person to know i was thinking about them and reading their shtuff. i talk about tofu ice cream or random acts of animal. love u.

Anonymous said...

Shanoncita also says:
did that comment sound rude? i didn't mean it as a criticism to anyone, just a pondering really. sometimes i do leave my opinions or what have u. anyway, miss u. come to new york with me. me both could use a vacation.

Anonymous said...

we, i meant "we" could use a vacation.