Monday, August 18, 2008

Grumpa, Grumpa.

(...una hermana mia made up that word because "grumpy" doesn't translate well into Spanish. Saying "Grumpa-grumpa" in a grouchy voice with a squished-up face is much more satisfying than the actual word en espanol. Jaja! )

I'm Grumpy. It's true. I'll blame it on the weather. (the East Bay is completely overcast and cold today....Hello? August??)

Last night, I decorated a big manila envelope into which I put all the paperwork I would need today. I hate paperwork and "to-do" lists and organization in general...which could pose a problem in the coming months seeing as those are the very skills needed to interact with the grown-up world.

My solution? Integrate all the creative, fun stuff i love and am naturally good at to help balance all these boring, dry tasks that are hard for me. It just may keep me afloat...

So, I spent close to an hour decorating this envelope and writing inspiring qoutes on it. It was very fun and it helped a lot this morning. I wrote a big "GOOD MORNING!" on the top so i would see it as soon as I opened my grouchy little eyes.

Now only if it could greet me with a cup of coffee.....

1 comment:

aurora bender said...

brilliant idea! and i wish things came with a really good espresso too! it's a good thing you aren't spending your august here. it's been rainy most of the days in the last couple of weeks. i hope you are well otherwise.