Monday, September 05, 2005


"Is it not as if I, a man, gradually and very circuitously became a child again, as if I, a thinker, became a child person? And yet this way was very good, and yet the bird in my breast did not die. But what a way it was! I had to go through so much stupidity, so much vice, so much error, so much disgust and disillusion and distress, merely in order to become a child again and begin afresh. But it was right, my heart says yes, my eyes are laughing. I had to experience order to experience grace, to hear om again, to sleep properly again, and to awaken again. I had to become a fool in order to find Atman [God] in me again. I had to sin in order to live again. Where will my way lead me now?" -Siddhartha, Hermann Hesse

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