Tuesday, January 03, 2006


How broken are we???
Sometimes the interaction between men and women breaks my heart, even between women and other women...even women and themselves!
When will we understand our beauty? When will we love ourselves?
Eating disorders, image issues, self hatred, insecurity--to meet WHOSE standard???
Women, listen:

You are beautiful.
You are made in the likeness of God.
You are the "Crown of Creation"--without woman, it was "not good."
You are God's own expression of herself!!!
You are his treasured and cherished beloved.

Listen to me women of unfathomable beauty!
This is your assignment for the day:
Wherever you are today, whatever you are doing, you will come into contact with another woman.
When you see her, instead of measuring her up or comparing yourself to her, do this:
Look into her eyes and see that she is a truly beautiful human being.
See that she has suffered, borne a heavy burden.
See that she has rejoiced and danced and celebrated.
See that she has sacrificed.
See that she loves deeply.
See that she is broken and hurting just like you.
See God peering back at you from within her eyes.

KNOW that her unique and powerful beauty does not diminish your own.

And then:
Appreciate her in whatever way is most appropriate, whether it is a smile, a kind word, a compliment, a wave, a hug-
We need to love ourselves, we need to love each other.

We cannot allow our hearts to be filled with bitterness and insecurity towards others and ourselves- no, no, no...there is no room for that!

We are free! We are free to love. Ourselves, other women, the whole world. Let us be so filled with the wonder of the beauty of our Beloved and his love for us that all we can do is dance and live in celebration- revealing our truly beautiful hearts that have the power to reveal God's own heart and aide in the healing of others'.

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